Can you climb these deadliest staircases around the world?

By Prachi Agrawal

  ●   08 Jan 19



Are you an adventure seeker? Does the thought of doing something scary thrills you to the point that you can’t think about it? If you answered yes to both the questions then, test your nerves by climbing these deadliest staircases around the world to experience the joy of that Adrenalin rush that you always yearn to feel.


Top 5 Most Dangerous Staircases Around the World


Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain

Sagrada_familia_staircaseWhen Gaudí pictured the structure of Sagrada Familia, he wanted it to resemble a forest canopy. However, climbing the stairs of this marvelous Roman Catholic Church in Barcelona is nothing less than a daredevil act.  The stairs have been constructed in such a way that they coil up surrounded by tightly enclosed wall on one side while there’s no hand railing on the other side that the climbers can use for support. So, climb at your own risk.


Janssen Observatory, Mont Blanc, France

Janssen Observatory, Mont Blanc, FranceIt’s still an easier climb compared to Sagrada Familia. There are hand railings for support and no congested walls. Now you must be wondering what makes these stairs scary? Well, the scariest part about these stairs is that they are placed at the peak of Mont Blanc, the tallest mountain in the Alps. And last but not the least, this staircase is open to the forces of nature making it an extremely difficult climb.


Florli Stairs, near Lysefjord, Norway

florli stairsIt is the world’s longest staircase made completely from wood with 4,444 steps that rise up to a height of 2,427 feet. Flørli Power Station is the point where the best hikes near the town of Lysefjord begin. But watch out for the creaks and cracks in the wooden stairs because you never know.


Duomo di Milano, Milan, Italy

Duomo di MilanoThis cathedral in Italy’s northern city is one of the most popular tourist spots in Milan. It is stacked with around 2,000 statues. However, if you want to go to the extreme top of this architectural wonder in order to enjoy a breathtaking view you will have to muster all your guts to climb a wiggly steep staircase that id often packed with tourists.


Angkor Wat Temple Stairs, near Siem Reap, Cambodia

angkor-wat-templeThese are one of the most dangerous stairs to climb. In order to reach the topmost temples of Angkor Wat, you will have to either pull yourself up with the ropes that are provided there or you will have to bow down on your knees and hands to cover most of the steep stairs.

Have you got the nerves to climb these stairs?


Prachi Agrawal

A passionate writer with unsatiated love for stars and travelling. She loves writing and performing poetry and when she isn't doing either, you can find her binge watching Korean drama.

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Can you climb these deadliest staircases around the world?