How to Find Good & Authentic Restaurants While Travelling?

By Prachi Agrawal

  ●   20 Nov 18

Travel Tips

A trip is not complete without having the taste of authentic local delicacies dissolve in your mouth. But finding a good restaurant with a value for money culinary experience can be a tricky task especially while you’re travelling to a new place. No matter where you go, follow these tips to enjoy a satisfying and lip-smacking meal at local restaurants.

Top 5 Tips to Finding a Good Restaurant for A Delicious Meal


Say no to fixed tourist menu

Avoid restaurants with a fixed tourist menu. It keeps you from tasting local delicacies.



Go where locals go to eat

Try to look for a place with locals and not tourists. Locals know the culinary gems better than anyone else.



Restaurant near tourist sites are a big NO

It is better to go far away from squares and tourist attractions to avoid costly and non-authentic food.



Fewer the better

The restaurants that have fewer options on the menu are usually better.



Ask locals

Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations from locals. Trust me, they know all the secrets.


Bon appétit!

Prachi Agrawal

A passionate writer with unsatiated love for stars and travelling. She loves writing and performing poetry and when she isn't doing either, you can find her binge watching Korean drama.

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How to Find Good & Authentic Restaurants While Travelling?